July 24

The legend of Francis Brandywine

Francis Brandywine

She calmed herself and once again thought that the knocking was just her imagination. But the knocking came again even louder than before thrashing the boat so hard she fell backwards. This time she knew she wasn’t just imagining it. She screamed out  “HELP! HELP!” But no one answered she was all alone. Or was she…?

She saw a dark shape coming extremely fast towards her. She crumpled into a ball in the middle of the boat. and prayed the knocking would not come again. But it did.

“KNOCK KNOCK!” This time the knocking was so loud and so strong the boat tipped right over. She screamed and tried kicking away whatever was clutching onto her feet. She couldn’t stay above the surface anymore. She gave up letting the monster win with her life. As she got pulled under, swallowed by the inky blackness, her last vision was of a terrifying figure in the water. And then she was gone. That was the end of Francis Brandywine. She was never seen or heard from again.

Police searched the lake, but they didn’t find her body. The only thing they did find was the boat with a pack of cigarettes and her notebook. These were the only clues that she ever existed. After a week of searching, they stamped the case UNSOLVED and went to tell the family the horrible news. That she wasn’t found. The family cried “Why? Our only daughter!” Even now- years later, no-one visits that lake. Because of the story, I guess.  Nobody has ever dared to go there again. Or maybe they have but they have just never come back…

By: Katie Richardson

Posted July 24, 2016 by katie in category Uncategorized

10 thoughts on “The legend of Francis Brandywine

  1. brownstuff

    Katie, I love this story that you have written. It would be great if you could re-post this to your own blog so that others can comment on it.

  2. jacksonr16

    These are really good story’s I cant wait to read more of these amazing story’s that you all have whiten

    1. brownstuff

      Jackson just look on the student blogs. there are lots of stories on there. Katie just posted this in the wrong place 🙂

  3. Gracie

    I am Gracie from Oamaru Intermediate.
    I really like how you ended this story.
    I did one of these too, you should go and check it out.

  4. lillyannes16

    hi im lily from ois i really like the way you have writen this story katie you used great descriptive languge.


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